Sunday, July 31, 2011

Herakles (1962)

Here is Herzog's first film: Herakles. Discussion to follow.

What is the Herzog Blog?

Okay, so Calvin and I have a mutual celebrity crush on Werner Herzog. There is something so refreshing about his films; they are dramatic, funny and moving without being didactic. Calvin has seen a bunch of them and I have made my way through a good number but I have yet to view many important ones. So we decided to watch all of his films as a project this year. We are planning on reviewing the films and invite you to watch along with us and add your own thoughts and reactions. We also want to use Herzog as a sort of muse to inspire creative writing projects. Each film will be the inspiration behind a piece of writing or art or a song, in Calvin's case. We will be watching all of Herzog's films in chronological order. I am also secretly wishing to end our project with a trip to Bavaria in December to experience the Christmas traditions there. We shall see. In the spirit of our muse, we are committed to seeking out the poetry in the world around us and to embrace his notion that "the poet does not avert his eyes"!